Top 8 Foods to Eat for Increased Brain Power

If you had maximum brain power going for you in your work and in your personal life and activities, how enriched would your life be? Anyone reading this might be intrigued to learn there are foods that actually give nourishment to your brain cells. We all deserve to give our best to life, with the result of getting the most from it, so let us explore this!

Below are 8 foods for brain power.

1. Curry

A blended seasoning containing turmeric, an Asian or Indian spice from a yellow root plant. It is this one ingredient that gives curry it’s marvelous healing properties. It is a potent anti-inflammatory agent, and antioxidant. It’s ability to pass through the blood-brain barrier gives it a unique distinction in neurogenesis, the ability to produce new brain cells, once thought to be an impossibility. It also inhibits the destructive process of the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

It must be noted that certain curry preparations have very little turmeric in them and the healing potential for that would be significantly less than the more pure seasoning.

Top 8 Foods to Eat for Increased Brain Power ~2. Celery

A key food source of luteolin, which is a plant compound which prevents an inflammatory process responsible for degeneration in the brain including and age-related memory loss according to lab testing in mice. Other food sources of this helpful substance are carrots and peppers.

3. Broccoli and Cauliflower

These two vegetables are rich sources of Choline, a B Vitamin with a key role in brain development. It has even been seen that animals who are expecting seem to boost the cognitive function for their offspring, as including learning and memory.

It may work, along with the previously named food, in delaying age cognitive decline. For those with out a dietary restriction, eggs and meat also are potent food sources of choline as well.

Note: Those with thyroid disorders should cook their broccoli and cauliflower to reduce or eliminate any goitrogenic impact.

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are a good source of plant based Omega 3 fats, and also contain phytosterols and antioxidants which are beneficial the slowing of the aging process according to testing with rats. DHA is one of the most potent Omega 3’s available effective not only for brain function, but in promoting brain healing.

Likewise, wild caught fish such as salmon is a great source of Omega 3 fats.

5. Healthy Fats

The notion that a fat free diet is a healthy diet is actually a great fallacy in our thinking. Healthy fats promote brain health as well as general physical well-being. The foods to remember are organic virgin olive oil, organic butter from raw milk, clarified butter (also called grass-fed raw butter), coconut fat, olives, nuts such as macadamias and pecans. Free range eggs wild Alaskan salmon and avocado are among these fat rich and wonderfully healthy foods.

6. Crab Meat

Crab is rich in Phenylalanine an amino acid that produces dopamine which promotes healthy neurotransmission along with adrenaline, noradrenaline and thyroid, all useful in preventing Parkinson’s Disease. In fact dopamine is the common ingredient found in medications used to treat Parkinsonism.

7. Garbanzo Beans

Chick peas are a great source of magnesium (along with green leafy vegetables and kelp) useful for increasing blood flow to the brain as well as for speeding neurotransmission of messages in the brain.

Note that those with autoimmune issues as well as those with digestive issues are often advised to avoid beans.

8. Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and other ingredients that support thought processes and memory and learning, as well as aiding in prevention of neurodegeneration from stress. Blueberries have another advantage, that of being lower in fructose than many other fruits which is ash advantage for anyone needing to use sugars with caution in their diet.

There are also many animal food sources that are strongly linked to enhanced brain health, but from this information it can clearly be seen that it is unnecessary for those who prefer or require a diet free of animal sources.